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Real Estate Firm Specializing in Commercial and Industrial Real Estate and Property Management.
Bill Beall Co., Inc. is one of Southwest Missouri’s leading real estate firms specializing in client-based commercial real estate brokerage transactions, property development, and commercial real estate management. Bill Beall Company understands and advises on all aspects of commercial sales, leasing and commercial investment real estate. The company has been a major mover of commercial and industrial properties for almost forty years and has on-going client relationships that span that history.
Founded in 1977 by Bill Beall (1942-2010), the company continues as a family-owned business with seven hundred thousand square feet of commercial property under management; and recently completed commercial investment projects that include a build-to-suit 50,000 s/f office building, a national chain restaurant and a major shopping center remodel.
Our staff has the reputation for excellence in helping clients successfully navigate the details necessary to achieve success in the Southwest Missouri commercial real estate market.